
By the numbers...

- Avg Weight Gain during Holidays 5-10lbs

- The New England Journal of Medicine. - Since the average weight gain during adulthood is about one to two pounds a year, that means much of midlife weight gain can be explained by holiday eating.

  1. 66% of American are overweight
  2. 33% are obese

- Number of deaths for leading causes of death (from CDC)

  1. Heart disease: 631,636
  2. Cancer: 559,888
  3. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 137,119
  4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 124,583
  5. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 121,599
  6. Diabetes: 72,449

Hiden Calories in Drinks

List of calories in some alcoholic drinks

Full chart…

Tips for reducing fat intake

  1. Remove fat from meat before cooking
  2. Use egg whites instead of whole eggs
  3. Use applesauce instead of oil when baking
  4. Use slim milk and low-fat dairy products
  5. Always read label for saturated fat per serving

Main Healthy Topics

Top 10 Foods for Heart Disease Prevention *

  1. Whole Grains - Reduce LDL cholesterol, digested slower thus doesn't cause spikes in blood sugar, & helps w/satiety making weight control easier
  2. Berries - Full of antioxidants & fiber
  3. Salmon (or Mackerel, Herring, Albacore tuna, Halibut) - Omega-3 fatty acids (help lower blood pressure and decrease risk of developing blood clots
  4. Beans/Soy - Rich in fiber, iron & protein, & phytochemicals (cancer prevention)
  5. Nuts - Healthy fats to reduce cholesteral and help blood vessels healthy
  6. Water - Help tissues hydrated & healthy
  7. Tomatoes - Good sources of vitamins
  8. Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brusssels sprouts, bok choy & kale) - Good sources of fiber, antioxidants & calcium
  9. Flexseeds - Omegaa-3 fatty acids and plant estrogens/phytoestrogens
  10. Garlic - Lower blood pressure, blood-thinning effect & has phytochemicals

5 Things You Can't Do to be Healthy & UFIT

  1. Over Eat
  2. Cancer
  3. Skipping Workouts
  4. Drinking Alcohols
  5. Eating Junk Foods & Soda

Men's Health: Top Health Threats & Prevention Guide*

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer
  3. Accidents
  4. Chronic obstructive pulmonay disease
  5. Stroke

Prevention Guide:


Eat this, LIVE LONGER*

  1. Polyphenols - is beliefs to help prevent metabolic diseases such as diabetes & obesity. Foods include cloves, peppermint, coco powder, some spices&herbs, dark chocolate, flaxseeds & certain berries.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids - are beliefs to help prevent sudden heart-related death & may reduce the development of age-related macular degeneration. Foods include fatty fish and fish oils, flaxseed and flax oils, canola oil & walnuts.
  3. Antioxidants - are beliefs to help prevent chronic disease by ridding of free radicals, harmful substances that damage cells. Foods include nuts, berries, coffee beans, green teas, red wines, fruits and dark chocolates.

Dr Oz Diet Slim Down Plan from Goodhousekeeping …


Cancer Fighting Super Foods

  1. Avocados - Contains potassium, beta-carotene & antioxidant glutathione, help attachks free radical in the body.

  2. Chili Pepper and Jalapenos – Contains capsaicin, helps control nitrosamines a cancer-causing elements.

  3. Green Tea - Cotains antioxidant polyphenols, helps reduce the risk of cancers including bladder, breast, colon, esophageal, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin & stomach cancers.

  4. Licorice Root - Contains glycyrrhizin, helps  reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

  5. Turmeric - Contains anit-inflammatory, helps reduce the risk of bowel & colon cancers.


10 Ways to Lose Weight

  1. Write your goal down - Discipline – Remember what your goal.

  2. Portion control – 3500 calories = 1 pound - reduce 500 calories a day, you lose a pound a week – ie. No to soda, fries & ½ bun on your burger

  3. Make smart choices - Choose omage-3 rich Salmon with salad, snack on fruit, nuts, and fiber.

  4. Exercise regularly - Only 4 times a week for 30 minutes burn around 300 calories.

  5. Keep moving - Burn 75-100 calories by just walking around the building during your break.

  6. Read Ingredient Labels - Look for serving size, saturated fat, sugar, corn syrup and oils.

  7. Change your routine - Combine and alternate cardio workout & strength training. Your body needs variation.

  8. Limit your Alcohol - Unsuspected calories from beer & wine, ie Margaritas has as many as 600 calories.

  9. Food Diary - Keep track of what you eat and you’ll be surprise.

  10. Eat Small meals - Speed up our metabolism by eating 6 small meals of 200-300 calories a day. Help digestion and less prone to binge eating.


Healthy Weight pays off*

  1. ↓ Type 2 Diabetes - Weigh gain of just 11-18 lbs doubles your risk of developing type2 diabetes.

  2. ↓ Heart Disease - Losing 5 to 15% of body weight reduces risk for diseases. Annual saving - $15K in hosptial inpatient stays.

  3. ↓ Arthritis Symptoms - Every 2 lbs increase, your risk of arthritis increases by 9-13%. Annual saving - *850 in doctor's office visits.

  4. ↑ Pregnancy Complication - Obesity increase risk of gestational diabetes, problems with labor & delivery, high blood pressure & having a child with birth defects.  Annual saving - $8.7K in hosptial inpatient stays.

  5. ↑ Cardiovascular Health - Lower your blood pressure & improve your triglyceride & cholesterol levels.  Annual saving - $560 & $700 in prescrition med; respectively.

  6. ↑ Sleep Apnea - More common in obese people.

  7. ↓ Types of Cancer - Reduce your risk of colon, prostate, kidney & breast cancers.  Annual saving - $23K in hosptial inpatient stays.

  8. *Data from MayoClinic


Super Foods

  1. Almonds – Contain good source of energy and increase strength.
  2. Avocados – Good Monounsaturated fat - Contain choleserol-lowering beta-sitosterol cancer-flighting glutathione, vitami E, B6, folate, potassium & fibers.
  3. Bananas – Contain potassium which help muscle relax.
  4. Berries, leafy greens, carrots, red pepers – Contain antioxidants.
  5. Blueberries – Contain age-fighting antioxidant + Vitamin C & E(protect against alzheimer's Disease) and animal study suggests that it may lower belly fat and cholesterol. Also, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.
  6. Broccoli – Most potent cancer fighter. Also, try broccoli cousins - cabbage, cauliflower & brussels sprouts.
  7. Carrots – Contain beta-carotene, help reduce the risk of cancers including breast, intestine, lung, prostate, stomach & throat cancers.
  8. Cherry juice – Drinking days before and after vigorous exercise decrease exercise-induced muscle pain and weakness.  (Antioxidant)
  9. Dates & Figs – Source of engergy and help build tissue.
  10. Dried plums – May help maintain bone density in postmenopausal women.  More study is needed.
  11. Flax Seeds – Contain antioxidants & high in omega-3 fatty acids, help reduce the risk of cancers including breast & colon cancers.
  12. Garlic – Contain allium compounds helps block carinogens & boost your immune system, help reduce the risk of cancers including stomach & colon cancers.
  13. Ginger – Considered "Universal Medicinc" - promote good digestion.
  14. Kale – Contain organosulfur compounds that help liver neutralize cancer-causing substance, vitamin A & C.
  15. Mung beans – Contain supreme digestibility and health-giving qualities.
  16. Nuts – Contain a host of healthy components (folate, protein, magnesium & Vitamin B) that may help reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent cancer. Brazil nuts - Contain all of the amino acids necessary to foser optimal growth in humans.

    Flax & Sesames Seeds & Walnuts - Contain Omega-3s & Omega-6s, the fatty acids.

  17. Rosemary – Animals study show to help inhibit development of breast & skin tumors.
  18. Seaweed – Contain beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12, fiber, chlorophyll & chlorophylones - helps fight breast cancer.
  19. Tomatoes – Contain prostate-fighting antioxidant (Lycopene) & is heart healthy.
  20. Yogurt – Contain potassium, high in protein & calcium and is a probiatics. Improve colon & bone health (osteoporosis) and boost immunity.
  21. High-fiber foods – Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may reduce your risk of heart disease.
  22. Whole grains – Combine with low-fat & low-cholesterol diet, may reduce your risk of heart disease and some cancers (whole-wheat bread, oatmeal & brown rice)

Meet Truong (aka. MrUFIT)

Truong Le UFIT History and more…

Fat-Burning Foods

Improve & increase metabolism

  1. High fiber cereals
  2. Citrus fruits
  3. Peppers
  4. Omega-3 - cold water fish (salmon, tuna, sardine, etc)
  5. High protein - chicken, lean red meat, turkey, fish
  6. Pistachios
  7. Green teas

Nutritional Benefits

  1. Iron - Helps prevent anemia
  2. Folate - Helps prevent certain birth defects including neural tube defects
  3. Protein - Helps promote growth
  4. Calcuim - Helps strenghten bone
  5. Antioxidants - Helps protect cells from breaking down due to stress
  6. Omega-3 (Fatty Acids) - Helps regulate blood pressure & are anti-inflammatory
  7. Magnesium - Sends messages to the muscle to relax
  8. Potassium - Helps regulate blood pressure
  9. "Good Carbohydrates" - Helps reduce sugar craving & calm the body

Easy Eatting Tips

  1. Eat breakfast
  2. Spicy foods burns calories
  3. No Soda
  4. No processed foods
  5. Eat small meals all day
  6. Avoid white flour opt for whole grains

Fruits & Vegetable per day

  1. Children (5 serving)
  2. Female (7 serving)
  3. Male (9-13 serving)